Talk (in the program):
Abstract in the proceedings of the SotM 2020 Academic Track:
Full proceedings of the SotM 2020 Academic Track:
Add questions here
- [ANSWERED] How do you determine if a building or a highway is a
contribution by HOT Tasking manager? Are there tags at the data like
in the changeset comments like #missingmaps or #hotosm? Maybe you
said that and I missed this part of information – Susanne SB
- [ANSWERED] How did you count mapping vs validation activities?
number of users? features? edits? – Serena. Thanks, I agree a tasks
is a suitable unit of comparison.
- [ANSWERED] The OSHDB framework was created in order to facilitate
performing OSM history-based analysis by non-developers, e.g.
researchers. Do you have an estimation of how many people are
currently using it? – Marco Minghini
- [ANSWERED] Has your study show any impact on OSM mapping during
the current pandemic? – Serena
- this blog post shows a record in mappign on OSM, and TM projects
are related -
- [ANSWERED] Are you aware of studies (or have possibly conducted
one yourself) investigating possible differences regarding mapping
behaviours between humanitarian mappers and ‘ordinary’ mappers also
beyond specific actions/tasks? Are HOT mappers mapping different
kinds of features in possibly different ways? – René
- [ANSWERED] Sort of implied by the numbers/graphs, but not exactly
formulated as such. But would you conclude that initiatives like
HOT/Missing Maps are successful drivers for mapping participation?
– YaguraStation
- [ANSWERED] Was this study asked by HOT? if no, did you get their
feedback? – Marco Minghini
- [ANSWERED] Have you included several Tasking Managers used for
humanitarian purposes (like HOT TM Indonesia or Tasking Manager of
Les Geographes Libres (francophone movement), or is it only an
analysis of one TaskingManager, the principle HOT Tasking Manager?
- I like the diagram that puts humanitarian mapping activities in
context - nice overview – Serena
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