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- Add questions here
- [DONE]Thank for your excellent presentation. Did you find any
privacy issues regarding uploading collected data on OpenStreetMap
platform? - Anonymous
- [DONE]Is the Malawi platform for spatial data accessible to
everyone like - Anonymous
- [DONE]What is the future direction for this reserarch or it is now
complete? - Anonymous
- [DONE]do this project be used for any vaccination purpose ? for
planning vaccination … - Christian , DRC
- [DONE]Are there plans to connect with neighbouring countries and
wider OSM community - i.e. a regional map for cross learning - since
other countries in the region are also affected by flooding? Anni -
rosamaps (Chicago)
- [DONE]Great project that highlights the importance of locally
relevant data and how a wide community of residents, academics and
government can use this data! Anni - rosymaps
- Great session; many thanks chair and speaker!+1
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