Questions & Answers - Participatory Budgeting & Mapping with citizens and government

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Questions pour la budgétisation et la cartographie participatives avec les citoyens et le gouvernement

please feel free to add your name / OSM username and location if you want to!

Links to Maps from the talk:

  • [ANSWERED] What other software platforms are used besides OSM?
  • [ANSWERED] ODK Were there any issues with ODK?  And if so how have you overcome them?
    • There were issues on how the form is built because it doesn’t fit exactly with OSM tags.So we had to fix/make the form in a manner that will match the OSM tags.
  • Yes would love to know more about grant and what you have done etc.. Janet
    • So far we’re still defining the details but we will be likely enabling a “translation” into “OSM” as a language that could be selected and translated into on export. allowing the CSV to be imported to JOSM for final edits or directly. I can talk to anyone with more details - Erica
  • [ANSWERED] So OSM must be much better than Google in Kenya by now, no? -jidanni/Taiwan
  • Next step: cadastral mapping! (Yes, there are OSM tags.) -jidanni/Taiwan
  • [ANSWERED] You produce fantastic maps.  How much training did people need to be able to create them? And is there any financial/budget information shown on any maps? I meant to create the maps in QGIS etc, how many people are involved in that?
    • Our lead mapper Zack does that, and then I’ve been using Canvaa online to layout the maps after for print. (Erica)
  • How many times have you revisited Kibera for mapping over the years to keep the map up to date?
    • We’ve been doing updates on our data just to ensure that the data is up to date since things keep on changing. Updates are usually done like twice or thrice a year. In other cases we do updates when consulted by an organisation to do some mapping for them. When we also have projects we do updates at the same time.
  • Lucy - you have been working with MapKibera since 2009! From your perspective, how have attitudes to OSM changed in Kenya since then? How have you got buy in with local government?
    • i have seen the OSM community grow since the since as Mapkibera we;ve been able to transfer knowlege to different groups/institutions thus have a wider community of contributors on the OSM platfrom. As far as local gov’t, we have built relationships with various officials in Nairobi when possible. In this project the World Bank had already created these relationships so we mainly followed their lead, although by getting to know them better we were more successful in some areas than others.
  • What if donors pull all their funds. Will / can the public continue mapping in a “hobby” fashion? Or are they not excited that much to continue?
    • people are concerned to know what facilities they have or rather the distribution of these facilities so i think they will have to continue mapping regardless of wether funding is there ar not.

Comment: JOSM, with its different mouse binding (left vs. right) messed up my “muscle memory”. So I must use iD.

Ajoutez des questions ici n’hésitez pas à ajouter votre nom / nom d’utilisateur et emplacement OSM si vous le souhaitez!

  • Quelles autres plateformes logicielles sont utilisées en plus d’OSM?
    • ODK
  • Y a-t-il eu des problèmes avec ODK? Et si oui, comment les avez-vous surmontés?
  • L’OSM doit donc être bien meilleur que Google au Kenya, non? -jidanni / Taiwan
  • Prochaine étape: la cartographie cadastrale! (Oui, il existe des balises OSM.) -Jidanni / Taiwan
  • Vous produisez des cartes fantastiques. De combien de formation les gens avaient-ils besoin pour pouvoir les créer?
  • Et y a-t-il des informations financières / budgétaires sur des cartes?
  • Combien de fois avez-vous revu Kibera pour la cartographie au fil des ans pour maintenir la carte à jour?
  • Lucy - vous travaillez avec MapKibera depuis 2009! De votre point de vue, comment les attitudes envers l’OSM ont-elles changé au Kenya depuis lors? Comment avez-vous adhéré au gouvernement local?
  • Et si les donateurs retiraient tous leurs fonds. Le public pourra-t-il / pourra-t-il continuer à cartographier (de façon “hobby”?)