Questions & Answers - MAPBEKS: Mapping of HIV Facilities and LGBT spaces in the Philippines on OpenStreetMap

Disclaimer: This is an archived version of the once interactive session pad with content from conference attendees. Please note that some information was lost during the transformation (i.e. the edit history, user colours, the chat and some formatting).

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Speaker: Mikko Tamura

NOT ALL SPACES ARE DEFINED  BY STRAIGHT LINES <3♥♥ +1 HAPPY PRIDE! STONEWALL WAS A RIOT! BE GAY, DO CRIMES! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ ⚢⚢⚢ ⚣⚣⚣ ⚤⚤⚤ ⚥⚥⚥ ⚧️⚧️⚧️ - HAHAHAH Happy Pride <3 - -happy pride

 From Mikko

  • “mapping is not a straight line”
  • “mapping needs to be more accessible”
  • “mapping should not just be for people who know how to make maps”
  • “mapping should be for everyone”


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  1. [DONE] Do the things you map(like safe spaces) change, how frequently do you have to check the mapping? - Gregory
  2. [DONE] Are these maps secret somehow as these open maps can lead to vulnerability issues, can’t authoroties use them to track down the community members?- Trudy
    1. -redacted spaces and adjustments are done for safety of participants - heather  (Mikko’s comment)
  3. [DONE] How have you collaborated during the Covid times? What has been the impact? What recommends would you have for other LGBTQI communities around the world, including safe spaces?- Heather
    1. - the map during covid had 20,000 views during covid times - to help people (Mikko’s comment) - heather - fantastic work!!
  4. [DONE] What are some ways that the map connect this community? -heather
    1. [Mikko] There are hundreds of LGBT organizations in the country but they are not connected thus through mapping these spaces we are able to show force/power/existence to other people. Amazingly we (LGBT community) were able to see that even in far-flung areas there are LGBT groups that emerge.
    2. We T (of LGBT, Type: “CD”) are so few, that we need a map of where we all live. So we can find each other! (Alas, as any precise mapping is quite personal…). (Sure, there are apps…) - I do not suggest that we map per individual house of the location of our sisters and brothers but it is an empowering way already that we. can map the location of support organizations. Ideally, we eventually find. ourselves among the crowd. We need to stand out as a collective so that we can also be there for others. Be a beacon and a sanctuary for others <3 [MapBeks] I can help set things up for you but make sure that the safety is always considered.
    3. [Mikko] Focus on organizations that provide services for LGBTQI  -  we are still collating data and validating locations of health services such HIV facilities and clinics that support our transbrothers and sisters


  1. Welcome in your nearest neighbor: Taiwan - jidanni -  Hope we can meet!!!!!! <3 [Mikko]
  2. Nice talk. Greetings from France “mapping is not a straight line”
  3. Remember: There’s RainbOSM, a Telegram group for LGBTQ people in OSM. (Safe space w/ a CoC obv)
    1. +1
  4. So proud of you and your advocacy, Mikko! Lablab!!! ❣️🏳️‍🌈 - Andi - I LOVE YOU TOO MAMEY!
  5. Love the hair!