Questions & Answers - Visualizing Gender of Street Names in Brazil

Disclaimer: This is an archived version of the once interactive session pad with content from conference attendees. Please note that some information was lost during the transformation (i.e. the edit history, user colours, the chat and some formatting).

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  1. You know about and ? [by black_bike]
  2. Can data from a private API really be open? +1
    1. Can it legally be open-sourced? – Raphael (das-g)
  3. Are there streets named after persons, but without the given name in the street name (e.g. just the family name)? – Raphael (das-g)
  4. How are streets split into multiple ways counted?
    1. It seems not number of streets but street lengths were counted, so the splitting shouldn’t matter. – das-g
    2. As OpenStreetMap lacks the concept of “street” counting them is the hard part.
  5. Did you find interesting differences between regions in Brazil?
  6. For your matching of the names vs streetname, how long did that join take? Any tips on making the join faster? (indexing ect? )(Keith H) Thanks!
  7. Did you disregard titles completely or also use them to determine gender? One can probably assume, that in catholic regions, all popes are male. – das-g
    1.  No, there were some lonly female popes.
  8. Given names only don’t need to be anonymous. They can be dedicated to one person. Needs research.
  9. Did you assess the quality of this method based on a subset with a source of known genders? (Like name:etymology:wikidata -> sex or gender (P21) or similar)

10. Is the peripheral link to females related to the streets being more recent than the older central streets I wonder?

    1. (Bernardo, since the stream ended): that could be a factor… But it could also be that the more “important names / people” were used for the more central and “more important” streets, and for smaller streets in the periphery there’s more openesss to name it after a figure that is not “so historically important”. But this is a hunch, needs further research!
      1. Interesting - many thanks for an interesting talk. Lots to investigate !
        1. You’re welcome! Thanks for watching!