Add questions here - if you want to please leave your name/OSM
username and country
- [ANSWERED] Did you include boys in the project as well? Why?
- [ANSWERED] How do you think you could help other schools to do
this internationally?
- [ANSWERED] As a Cusquenan woman, what impact do you think this can
have in the future?
- [ANSWERED] Wow, this is a really amazing example of how women and
girls can be involved in mapping. What is the biggest barrier you
have faced in training women and girls to map?+1
- what are the opportunities in training women and girls and have you
seen changes in confidence ito of their attitude to gender based
violence / other gender issues?
- [ANSWERED] Any transgender participation / discussion?
- Great project! Reminded me of this other project, might be
interesting to you: (or maybe you already
know about it :))
- Amazing project and looking forward to learning more about it!
Anni - rosymaps | chicago usa