Questions & Answers - MapImpact: Mapping and social researchs by students in Cusco, Perú

Disclaimer: This is an archived version of the once interactive session pad with content from conference attendees. Please note that some information was lost during the transformation (i.e. the edit history, user colours, the chat and some formatting).

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Add questions here - if you want to please leave your name/OSM username and country

  • [ANSWERED] Did you include boys in the project as well? Why?
  • [ANSWERED] How do you think you could help other schools to do this internationally?
  • [ANSWERED] As a Cusquenan woman, what impact do you think this can have in the future?
  • [ANSWERED] Wow, this is a really amazing example of how women and girls can be involved in mapping. What is the biggest barrier you have faced in training women and girls to map?+1
  • what are the opportunities in training women and girls and have you seen changes in confidence ito of their attitude to gender based violence / other gender issues?
  • [ANSWERED] Any transgender participation / discussion?


  • Great project! Reminded me of this other project, might be interesting to you: (or maybe you already know about it :))
  • Amazing project and looking forward to learning more about it!  Anni - rosymaps | chicago usa